NCC unit

 NCC Unit was established in1970 in SJMVS Shree Jagadguru Gangadhar Boys High School and Smt. Sudha R Shetty Girls High School. Initially there were 50 Cadets in the unit. which included JD(Boys) and JW(Girls). In 1985 under the leadership of Shree Vastrad 100 students enrolled to NCC among them 67 JD(Boys) and 33 JW (Girls).This NCC Unit is under NCC -27 KAR BN NCC, Hubli.
In 1991 B R Veeregouda was appointed as ANO (Associate NCC Officer).
In 2013 G M Kalawad became the ANO. NCC Unit in the School gives various training sessions to the Cadets such as Drill, Firing, Map Reading, and 2 Camping program every Year. The NCC Unit is working successfully with increasing cadets each year.